Source code for libsolace.plugins.XMLAPI

import logging
import libsolace
from libsolace.util import httpRequest, generateRequestHeaders, generateBasicAuthHeader, xml2obj
from libsolace.plugin import Plugin
from lxml import etree as ET

[docs]class XMLAPI(Plugin): """ LEGACY XML API handles reading the XML configuiration from URL or FILE. cmdbapi = libsolace.plugin_registry(settings.SOLACE_CMDB_PLUGIN) cmdbapi.configure(settings=settings) vpns = cmdbapi.get_vpns_by_owner(options.product, environment=options.env) users = cmdbapi.get_users_of_vpn(vpn['name'], environment=options.env) queues = cmdbapi.get_queues_of_vpn(vpn['name'], environment=options.env) """ plugin_name = "XMLAPI" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):"LEGACY xml plugin is being used, please port to JSON API!") pass #def __init__(self, url=None, username=None, password=None, timeout=10, xml_file=None, use_etree=False, # use_xml2obj=True, etree_case_insensitive=False, **kwargs): def configure(self, settings=None, **kwargs): url = settings.CMDB_URL username = settings.CMDB_USER password = settings.CMDB_PASS timeout = 10 xml_file = settings.CMDB_FILE use_etree = False use_xml2obj = True etree_case_insensitive = False """ Fetches data from site-config XML over URL or localfs and returns subsets of the data as requested. :type url: string :type username: string :type password: string :type timeout: int :type xml_file: :type use_etree: bool :type use_xml2obj: bool :type etree_case_insensitive: bool :param url: url to source index.xml from :param username: username to auth as :param password: users password :param timeout: rest call timeout, default 10 seconds :param xml_file: file to open if available :param use_etree: enables etree parsing of index.xml for methods that use it :param use_xml2obj: enables the default libsolace.gfmisc.xml2obj implementation :param etree_case_insensitive: downcases index.xml and all method param values which uses it """ self.deploydata = None self.components = None self.etree_case_insensitive = etree_case_insensitive if xml_file: logging.debug('Local file will be read, REST Calls disabled') xml_file = open(xml_file, 'r') self.xml_file_data = else: self.xml_file_data = None self.username = username self.password = password self.timeout = timeout self.url = url if use_etree: self.root = self.__get_et_root_object() self.namespace = ET.QName(self.root.tag).namespace if use_xml2obj: self.populateDeployData() def __route_call(self, url, **kwargs): """ Determines if the call should be routed via urllib or read from local file. :param url: url to call :param kwargs: :return: response from correct interface """ if self.xml_file_data: return self.__read_file() else: logging.debug("route call: %s" % url) return self.__restcall(url, **kwargs) def __read_file(self, **kwargs): """ returns the file data from self.xml_file_data :param kwargs: :return: file contents :rtype: str """ return self.xml_file_data def __restcall(self, url, method='GET', fields=None, **kwargs): """ Uses urllib to read a data from a webservice, if self.xml_file_data = None, else returns the local file contents :type url: str :param url: url to call :param kwargs: :return: response data :rtype: str """ request_headers = generateRequestHeaders( default_headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' }) (data, response_headers, code) = httpRequest(url, method=method, headers=request_headers, fields=fields, timeout=self.timeout) return data def __get_et_root_object(self): """ Returns elementtree root object representation of index.xml :return: Element object :rtype: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element """ if self.xml_file_data: if self.etree_case_insensitive: et_xml = self.xml_file_data.lower() else: et_xml = self.xml_file_data else: if self.etree_case_insensitive: et_xml = self.__route_call(self.url).lower() else: et_xml = self.__route_call(self.url) return ET.fromstring(et_xml) def populateDeployData(self): """ Returns the entire deployment data ( entire xml ) as a python dict style object :return: all deployment data in a single dictionary object """ if self.xml_file_data: self.deploydata = xml2obj(self.xml_file_data) else: myXML = self.__route_call(self.url) self.deploydata = xml2obj(myXML) def get_vpn(self, vpn): """ Return a VPN by name :return: a solace vpn """ self.populateDeployData() for v in self.deploydata.solace.vpn: logging.debug("VPN: %s in solace" % if == vpn: return v raise BaseException('Unable to find solace configuration for vpn: %s' % vpn) def get_vpns_by_owner(self, owner, **kwargs): """ Return a VPN by owner :type owner: str :return list of vpns :rtype libsolace.gfmisc.DataNode """ self.populateDeployData() vpns = [] for v in self.deploydata.solace.vpn: logging.debug("VPN: %s in solace" % logging.debug("document: %s" % v._attrs) if v.owner == owner: vpns.append(v._attrs) return vpns def get_queues_of_vpn(self, name, **kwargs): self.populateDeployData() queues = [] for v in self.deploydata.solace.vpn: logging.debug("VPN: %s in solace" % if == name:"Getting queues for %s" % ) vd = self.get_vpn( return vd.queue def get_users_of_vpn(self, vpn, environment=None): """ Returns all products users who use a specifig messaging VPN :type vpn: str :param vpn: name of vpn to search for users of """ self.populateDeployData() users = [] logging.warn('Scaning for Products using vpn: %s' % vpn) for p in self.deploydata.product: logging.debug('Scanning Product: %s for messaging declarations' % if p.messaging: for m in p.messaging: # <messaging name="my_%s_sitemq" user="%s_um" password="somepassword"></messaging> if == vpn: password = m.password try: #logging.debug("Dumping messaging environments: %s" % pprint.pprint(m.__dict__)) for e in m.env:"Env Searching %s" % if == environment:"Env Matched %s" % for myp in e.messaging_conf:'Setting password %s' % myp.password) password = myp.password except Exception, e: logging.warn("No Environment Password Overrides %s" % e) pass'Product: %s using VPN: %s, adding user %s to users list' % (, vpn, m.username)) users.append({'username': m.username, 'password': password}) return users