libsolace.SolaceProvision module¶
solacehelper is a class to construct solace commands and sets of commands.
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Provision the CLIENT_PROFILE, VPN, ACL_PROFILE, QUEUES and USERS
Parameters: - vpn_dict (dictionary eg: {'owner': u'SolaceTest', 'spool_size': u'4096', 'password': u'd0nt_u5se_thIs', 'name': u'dev_testvpn'}) – vpn dictionary
- queue_dict – queue dictionary list
- environment (str) – name of environment
- client_profile (str) – name of client_profile, default=’glassfish’
- users (list) – list of user dictionaries to provision eg: [{‘username’: u’dev_marcom3’, ‘password’: u’dev_marcompass’}]
- testmode (bool) – only test, dont apply changes
- create_queues (bool) – disable queue creation, default = True
- shutdown_on_apply (bool) – force shutdown Queue and User for config change, default = False