Source code for libsolace.SolaceReply

import logging
import re
import simplejson as json
import re

[docs]class SolaceReplyHandler(object): """ Solace reply handler, pass a SolaceAPI replies into this for easier handling of the dict structures. TODO FIXME: add primary / backup only support somehow, now its just mapping the data in the first nodes response and ignoring the second, potentially ignoring the "primary" if its NOT the 1st host in the "MGMT" config Example: >>> from libsolace.SolaceReply import SolaceReplyHandler >>> srh = SolaceReplyHandler([{'HOST': 'http://solace2/SEMP', u'rpc-reply': {u'rpc': {u'show': {u'client-username': {u'client-usernames': {u'client-username': {u'profile': u'glassfish', u'acl-profile': u'dev_testvpn', u'max-endpoints': u'16000', u'client-username': u'dev_testvpn', u'enabled': u'true', u'message-vpn': u'dev_testvpn', u'password-configured': u'true', u'num-clients': u'0', u'num-endpoints': u'2', u'subscription-manager': u'false', u'max-connections': u'500', u'guaranteed-endpoint-permission-override': u'false'}}}}}, u'execute-result': {u'@code': u'ok'}, u'@semp-version': u'soltr/6_0'}}]) >>> str( 'glassfish' """ def __init__(self, document=None, version="soltr/6_0", primaryOnly=False, backupOnly=False, **kwargs): logging.debug("kwargs: %s" % kwargs) logging.debug(document) if primaryOnly and not backupOnly: self.reply = SolaceReply(document['rpc-reply']['rpc']) elif backupOnly and not primaryOnly: self.reply = SolaceReply(document['rpc-reply']['rpc']) else: self.reply = SolaceReply(document.pop()['rpc-reply']['rpc']) self.primary = self.reply try: self.backup = SolaceReply(document.pop()['rpc-reply']['rpc']) except Exception, e: logging.warn("Unable to process BACKUP response") pass def __repr__(self): """ Replace u' with u" and ' with " """ try: logging.debug("Reply Dict: %s " % self.__dict__) return str(json.loads(str(self.__dict__).replace("'", '"').replace('u"', '"').replace('None', '"None"'))) except: logging.warn("Unable to decode json %s" % str(self.__dict__)) raise
[docs]class SolaceReply(object): """ Create a "dot-name-space" navigable object from a dictionary """ def __init__(self, document): for k in document: logging.debug("%s: %s" % (k, document[k])) try: self.__dict__[k] = SolaceReply(document[k]) except: logging.debug("Final value %s" % document[k]) if document[k] == None: self.__dict__[k] = str(document[k]) else: self.__dict__[k] = document[k] # cant have `-` in the key names, rewrite em. def __getattr__(self, name): logging.debug("getattr: name: %s from %s " % (name, self.__dict__)) name = re.sub("_", "-", name) try: return self.__dict__[name] except: logging.error("Unable to retrieve key: %s" % name) raise def __str__(self): return str(self.__dict__) def __repr__(self): return str(self.__dict__) # return str(json.loads(str(self.__dict__).replace("'", '"').replace('u"', '"').replace('None', '"None"'))) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__dict__ def __setattr__(self, name, value): # name = re.sub("_", "-", name) logging.debug("Setting key %s" % name) if value == None: self.__dict__[name] = str(value) else: self.__dict__[name] = value
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest import logging import sys logging.basicConfig(format='[%(module)s] %(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', stream=sys.stdout) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) doctest.testmod()